Music science & aesthetics |
Das Verschwinden der Musik [The disappearance of music]
or: Pope Gregory I. and Madonna, the godess of love, search for Jean Baudrillard, their seducer
by Hans-Joachim Hessler
ISBN 978-3-935744-06-5 --- Price €15,90
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Philosophie der postmodernen Musik [Philosophy of postmodern music]
Jean-François Lyotard
by Hans-Joachim Hessler
ISBN 978-3-935744-00-3 --- Price €24,90
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Das Lied im Nationalsozialismus [The song in National Socialism]
An analysis of three exemplary songs with special consideration of the song lyrics and their structure
by Hans-Joachim Hessler
ISBN 978-3-935744-03-4 --- Price €6,00
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The »Tristan novel« of Gottfried of Strassburg and Richard Wagner's »Tristan«: A comparison with a focus on ethics and aesthetics
by Hans-Joachim Hessler
ISBN 978-3-935744-02-7 --- Price €7,50
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Hector Berlioz
Verschwindungen: Anstiftungen zum Hören [Disappearances: Incitement to listen]
by Eva-Maria Houben
ISBN 978-3-935744-07-2 --- Price €27,00
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Eva-Maria Houben (editor)
immer wieder anders - überraschend neu [different again and again - surprinsingly new ]
Once again 5 years composer portraits at the University of Dortmund. Volker Heyn, Juan Allende Blin, Antoine Beuger, Juliane Klein, Christian Wolff, Aurèle Stroe, Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf, Johannes S. Sistermanns, Gerhard Staebler, Juerg Frey
ISBN 978-3-935744-05-8 --- Price €6,00
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Houben/Dorfmueller (editors)
Festschrift to the occasion of the 75th birthday of Norbert Linke
ISBN 978-3-935744-08-9 --- Price €27,90
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